Week 2: Parts of Speech….


On this day the teacher was reviewing the parts of speech with the students. They have worked on the parts of speech throughout the week so, by Thursday the are pretty fluent with the lessons being taught. During journal time the student wrote about the various parts of speech. I walked throughout the classroom speaking with the students and reviewing their writing skills and what parts of speech they chose to write about. Their was a beautiful bulletin board with the parts of speech displayed. Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions, Pronouns, Conjunctions, and Interjections were on the board with bright diverse illustrations throughout. Each poster also, provided examples of each parts of speech. The board was large enough for each student to see.

If a student asked me how to spell a word that was on the board, I directed them to view the correct spelling that was visually provided. When students can have visuals provided that are related to their lesson it allows their learning experience to be more impactful and aligning. At the end of the lesson, my mentoring teacher allowed me to review the parts of the speech with the students and go over a few examples. The students had a very good concept of what the parts of speech are and how to recognize them when seen. I had a very good day during my field experience and look forward to growing and learning.

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